
Theatre Department to Present For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf, April 19-24

Presenting the Obie Award winning drama For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf is both a celebration and challenge for East Stroudsburg University’s theatre department. The play is set to debut at ESU from April 19-24.

“As a department, we’re excited to celebrate the diversity on campus by having our actresses of color take on the challenges of the play,” Margaret Ball, D.M.A., professor and chair of theatre, said.

April 14, 2016 - One Comment - Read more

ESU Presents Senior Seminar and Portfolio in Art Student Exhibition, April 20-May 4

The Madelon Powers Gallery of East Stroudsburg University will feature art works and portfolios of selected students in a Senior Seminar and Portfolio in Art Student Exhibition April 20-May 4.

The exhibition will include works that students produced for various clients as part of the art+ design department’s student design agency, New Mind Design, and comic art created at recent Comic Thons.

April 13, 2016 - No Comments - Read More

University Dance Company Presents Spring Performance

The spring 2016 performance of the University Dance Company will take place at ESU in the Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts on Friday, April 22 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 23 at 2 p.m.

This semi-annual performance will highlight the talents of students, faculty members and guest artists. A variety of choreographic styles and dance pieces will include contemporary, modern, jazz and hip-hop.

April 13, 2016 - No Comments - Read More

Senator John Blake, ESU Legislative Fellow, to Speak at ESU, April 14

East Stroudsburg University’s (ESU) political science department and political science club will be co-hosting a youth and political participation event this Thursday, April 14, at 5 p.m. in the University Center’s Senate Chambers.

John P. Blake, state senator of the 22nd Senatorial District of Pennsylvania and ESU’s 2015-2016 legislative fellow, is the event’s keynote speaker. Senator Blake will lead a conversation pertaining to political participation and civic engagement.

April 13, 2016 - No Comments - Read More

Video of Accepted CILLS Program Participant Goes Viral, Puts East Stroudsburg University on the Map

A 50-second video of Rachel Grace learning she was accepted to the Career, Independent Living & Learning Studies (CILLS) program sponsored by East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania went viral a few days after her mom posted it on Facebook March 25, and by last week it had been viewed more than 14 million times.

The heart-warming video shows Rachel, a 20-year-old North Penn High School student who has Down syndrome, opening and reading aloud her acceptance notice to the CILLS program, and hollering happily, “I got in!” to her excited parents, Deb and Tom.

April 12, 2016 - 3 Comments - Read More

ESU Greek Community Assists with Borough’s Spring Clean-Up

More than 200 students from East Stroudsburg University’s Greek organizations joined members of the local community in a day of spring clean-up on Sunday, April 3.

Members of Kappa Delta Rho, Alpha Sigma Tau (photo 1) and Theta Chi participated as a way to promote ESU’s Global Week activities and to provide service to the borough of East Stroudsburg. Students opted to clean areas that are routine pathways to and from campus for University students, faculty and staff including Analomink Street, Crystal Street, Prospect Street, Ransberry Avenue, the area near the inter-borough bridge, and East Brown Street to University Ridge Apartments.

April 11, 2016 - No Comments - Read More

ESU Receives Approval for First-Ever Doctorate Program

The Board of Governors of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education approved a doctor of education in Educational Leadership and Administration for East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania on April 6. This 60-credit Ed.D. is the first doctorate program in the 123-year history of the institution.

“This is a proud day for us at East Stroudsburg University,” said ESU President Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D. “We’re confident that this new offering will attract leaders in education to fill a well-established critical need in the region, particularly given the challenges of shrinking budgets and demanding professional standards. Earning these credentials enables educators to impact education, and therefore the region and state, through leadership and critical thinking.”

April 8, 2016 - One Comment - Read More

Kolanowski Inspires Nursing Students During Endowed Lecture Presentation

Ann M. Kolanowski, Ph.D., RN, FGSA, FAAN, an Elouise Ross Eberly professor in the college of nursing at Pennsylvania State University; center director of the Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing at Pennsylvania State University; professor of psychiatry, college of medicine; and adjunct professor, associated faculty, school of nursing at the University of Pennsylvania, inspired ESU nursing students during her presentation, “Promoting Behavioral and Cognitive Health in People Living with Dementia,” last evening at East Stroudsburg University’s Innovation Center, 562 Independence Road in East Stroudsburg.

April 8, 2016 - No Comments - Read More

ESU Graduate Student Wins State System’s Fifth Annual Business Plan Competition

Blaise Delfino, a graduate student at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania who developed “Fader Plugs,” designed to protect the wearer from harmful noise, won the $10,000 first place prize in the fifth annual Student Business Plan Competition sponsored by Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education. This is the second time that ESU won first place in the competition with Jonathan Weber ’15, winning $10,000 in 2011 for eDentified. In 2012, Thomas Rounsville M’12, won the $5,000 second place prize for his company Wildlife Integrative Forensics.

“The faculty and staff at ESU have displayed great support, compassion and excitement as I embark on my journey of founding Fader Plugs, LLC,” said Delfino. “I consider myself both lucky and blessed to be a student at East Stroudsburg University. The faculty members and the staff tied to the University’s business accelerator and entrepreneurial leadership center truly care about the success of their students and they want to see them succeed; they are willing to go the extra mile.  Words just can’t express how thankful I am for their continued support and belief in me as a student, an entrepreneur and CEO of Fader Plugs LLC.”

April 8, 2016 - No Comments - Read More

ESU Peer Educators Present Sexual Assault Awareness Programming to Board of Governors

It’s hard to grasp the importance of what the peer educators at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania do unless you see them in action.

After the peer educators made such an impression on Doreen Tobin, D.Ed., ESU vice president of student affairs, and Victoria Sanders, D.Ed., associate vice chancellor, chief compliance officer, and executive vice chancellor of the executive office at the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), they wanted to make sure these students were heard by PASSHE’s Board of Governors, a group that establishes broad educational, fiscal and personnel policies and oversees the efficient management of the State System.

April 8, 2016 - No Comments - Read More